3 Tips for a More Sustainable Summer

3 Tips for a More Sustainable Summer

Whether it's longer days or school being out, Summer feels like the perfect time to try out some new eco-friendly habits.  No pressure, just experiment and find ways to be more sustainable that fit your lifestyle.

1. Choose 1 disposable product to replace as a summer time experiment. 

Use the summer as a time to replace a single use or disposable product with its reusable version.  Giving yourself the time to try out a limited test run will help you reach long term sustainable goals because it gives you  a chance to figure out what works for you without putting pressure on yourself. 

You might find that that there's a version or brand that you'd like to try instead when life gets busier in the Fall, or you might find that your experiment is way easier than expected and you absolutely love the switch.  Either way, a limited test run is a great way to dip your toe without falling into the trap of committing to something you hate and quickly burning out. 

child's hand holding a reusable plaid snack bag in one hand an an orange slice in the other

2. Try out some EASY food prep to reduce single use plastics in the house.

Prepping lunches and snacks in mini batches can give you more time for relaxing and fun outings.  And nope, I’m not talking about spending your entire Sunday cooking or using every dish and food container in the kitchen. 

Think more like chopping up an entire watermelon, repackaging yogurt or cereal into smaller containers, or making a big pasta salad for a few days’ worth of lunches and snacks.  Prepping snacks in batches will help you eat healthier and keep single use plastics out of the house, and it doesn’t need to be a huge production.  Even something as simple as separating a big bag of pretzels or chips into smaller snack bags for the day or week instead of relying on ‘snack size’ packs will make a huge difference.

large food container holding watermelon chunks

3. Embrace the power of the sun- Hang dry your laundry instead of sticking it in the dryer. 

This works especially great for things like reusable napkins, snack bags, kitchen towels, and summer clothes.  You don’t have to line dry everything. 

Just switching over one type of laundry is a fantastic improvement and will reduce your energy bills while adding to your quality of life- hanging laundry to dry is surprisingly satisfying and meditative!

laundry hanging on a clothesline

Looking for reusable snack bags, machine washable sponges, or super soft cloth napkins in fun colors that fit your fabulous lifestyle?  Look no further.  Check out these fan favorites and click on each one to shop...


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